Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rockin' the Rockies

It's only the bottom of the 5th, and the Sox have 10 run and 16 hits (9 extra-bases). Beckett is rolling - 8 Ks through 5 innings and is growing his legend with every inning. It's funny, I wonder how many Rockies fans or pundits want to talk about Colorado beating Beckett way back in June ... anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so. It's funny how a game from June 14 turns out not to mean jacksh*t come October. I mean, I couldn't believe how much I was reading about how the Rockies beat Schilling and Beckett and outscored the Red Sox 20-5 in winning 2 of 3 back in June ... WHO THE F**K cares? It's October now - guess what? The Indians went 0-6 agains the Yankees in the regular season, and then beat them 3 games to 1 in the ALDS.

The fact is this, even with the Sox spanking the hell out of Colorado tonight in Game 1, it won't matter come tomorrow - they aren't going to lie down against Schilling, the Sox will need to come with their "A" game again, but I love the idea of them going up against a rookie who I'm sure they're going to work the count against and could very easily get 'fausto carmona'd' ... Schilling is the key tomorrow; if he can pitch his game, the Sox will win. By the way, the following just occurred:

- Joe Buck just explained what it means to 'bat around' in an inning
- The Rockies just walked in three consecutive runs

I'll give Colorado credit for making it this far, with one of the greatest runs ever seen in September/October (winning 21 of 22 ... that's insane), but I said this before the series even started - who the Sox had to beat to get to the World Series doesn't even compare with who the Rockies went through; the Cubs and D'Backs do not compare to the Angels and especially Indians. The key word of the day is: PERSPECTIVE.

1. Let's stop applying any credence to a series that took place in June
2. The Rockies are not as good as the Red Sox

Now whether the Sox prove that on the field is another story; but so far, after 5 innings, I'm feeling pretty good about their 13-1 lead.


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